Tuesday, January 22, 2008

It Snowed!


Anonymous said...

I saw snow for the first time when I was 25 and haven't seen it since.. It's so beautiful!

V @ Locks-N-Motion said...

Just beautiful. The last time I seen snow and was able to play in it was when I lived in Oklahoma I had to be in the 4th grade! It was a fun experience

knotsnlocks said...

hey katika! locs lookin' good as usual! check out this blog address when you get a chance: http://ambambigg.blogspot.com/ amba is a fellow "sisterlock soror" who is starting an atlanta gathering for sisterlock wearers. it appears to be in its early stage, but a great idea all the same!

Anonymous said...

don't let her do your hair she is a whore... Ask J